Fetal Outcome of Term Pregnancy with Non-Reactive Non-Stress Test at Birat Medical College Teaching Hospital


  • Amit Deo Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0169-2064
  • Raj Deb Mahato Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal
  • Ram Bhakta Subedi Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal
  • Tarun Pradhan Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal




Fetal Outcome, Non-stress test, Term Pregnancy


Introduction: Non-stress test (NST) in pregnancy helps to detect fetuses which are at risk of developing hypoxia. In general, reassuring NST indicates good fetal outcome while non-reassuring NST may result in abnormal perinatal outcome.

Objectives: The objective of this study is to detect the fetal outcome among term uncomplicated pregnancies with Non-reactive NST in Birat Medical College Teaching Hospital.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study conducted for 6 months in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Birat Medical College Teaching Hospital. Singleton pregnancies with longitudinal lie and cephalic presentation between 37 to 42 weeks Period of gestation were included in the study. All participants were advised for a NST as an institutional protocol for 20 minutes at the time of admission. Participants with Non-reactive NST were counselled and planned for emergency LSCS as per hospital protocol. Participants were followed up for intraoperative findings such as colour of liquor and umbilical cord abnormality and outcome of fetus were assessed for APGAR score and need for NICU. The collected data was entered in Microsoft Excel and analyzed by using SPSS version 22.

Results: Out of 115 pregnant women, the mean age and standard deviation of 24.93±4.68 years. Decelerations was found in 35(30.4%), Decreased baseline variability was found in 33(28.7%), Persistent fetal tachycardia was found in 23(20%) and Decreased baseline fetal heart was found in 24(20.9%). Intraoperative meconium-stained liquor was found in 39(33.9%) of patients. All babies born were shown APGAR score > 7 at 5 minutes. 14(12.2%) babies were admitted to the Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Correlation of admission NST was not found statistically significant with fetal outcome.

Conclusion: LSCS for abnormal NST does not show adverse fetal outcome.


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Author Biographies

Amit Deo, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal

Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Raj Deb Mahato, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal

Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Ram Bhakta Subedi, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal

Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics

Tarun Pradhan, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal

Associated professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology




How to Cite

Deo, A. ., Mahato, R. D. ., Subedi, R. B. ., & Pradhan, T. . (2021). Fetal Outcome of Term Pregnancy with Non-Reactive Non-Stress Test at Birat Medical College Teaching Hospital. Birat Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 1512–1516. https://doi.org/10.3126/bjhs.v6i2.40337



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