Mortality from Burn: An Autopsy Based Study from Nepal




Accidental, Autopsy, Burn, Mortality, Septicemia


Introduction: In developing countries like Nepal burn deaths are a major public health problem due to their increased mortality, morbidity and long-term disability. A few clinical studies on burns have been reported from Nepal however, autopsy based studies on burns are limited.

Objectives: To study the socio-demographic characteristics of victims of burns and evaluate the cause and magnitude of fatal burn injuries retrospectively.

Methodology: A two years retrospective analysis of burn deaths brought for autopsy was conducted from January 2017 to December 2018 in a central level hospital of Nepal.

Results: Out of 775 total cases autopsied 38 (4.90%) cases were burn related deaths. The majority of the deaths 17(44.70%) occurred in the age group 21-30 years with a preponderance in females 22(57.89%). Majority of the victims were married females 25(65.78%) and most of them were housewives 14(36.84%). Flame burn 23(60.52%) was the most common cause of all burns. The Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) Burn between 50-69% was observed in majority of the cases 27(71.05%).Most of the victims 15(39.47%) survived over 10 days post injury. Burn incidents were mainly accidental 33(86.84%) in nature followed by suicidal burns 5(13.15%). The main cause of burn death was septicemic shock 16(42.10%) followed by neurogenic shock 10(26.31%).

Conclusion: The results of this study show that burns injuries are mostly accidental in nature; therefore, the risks of burn injuries should be rightly addressed and appropriate burn prevention strategies should be developed to reduce the frequency and burn related deaths.


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Author Biographies

Madan Prasad Baral, Pokhara Academy of Health Science, Pokhara, Nepal

Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine

Sidarth Timsinha, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal

Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine




How to Cite

Baral, M. P. ., & Timsinha, S. . (2021). Mortality from Burn: An Autopsy Based Study from Nepal. Birat Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 1496–1500.



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