Evaluation of Efficacy of Online Case Based Learning as a Teaching Learning Tool in Undergraduate Oral Pathology Course


  • Bijayata Shrestha Gandaki Medical College, Nepal https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3930-4138
  • Sushil Subedi Gandaki Medical College, Nepal
  • Ujjwal Koirala Gandaki Medical College, Nepal
  • Ishwori Sharma Paudel Gandaki Medical College, Nepal
  • Sabita Paudel Gandaki Medical College, Nepal




Online learning; Oral Pathology; Perceptions.


Introduction: COVID-19 had enforced educational institutes to adopt online learning.

Objectives: This study was designed to compare the learning outcome of online case and online lecture based learning in the undergraduate Oral pathology module of our institute and to compare the perception of students towards the course atiended.

Methodology: The 3rd year dental students (N=25) were split into – online case based learning (A1=6, A2=6) and online lecture based learning groups (B=13) randomly. An online multiple choice questions tests were conducted before and after the interventions. An online questionnaire based survey was conducted to evaluate students' perceptions toward the course attended. The statistical analysis was done using paired t test and Mann Whitney U test.

Results: Online case based learning was found to be a more effective learning method than online lecture based learning group (online case based learning post test mean rank=16, online lecture based learning post test mean rank=9.54, P=0.026). Significantly more students in the online case based learning group had positive perception towards the course atiended (online lecture based learning; mean value =2.5+/- 0.54, online case based learning; mean value =2.87+/-0.2, P=0.041).

Conclusion: Online case based learning should be integrated in Oral Pathology curriculum amidst such pandemics when onsite classes are not possible.



Author Biographies

Bijayata Shrestha, Gandaki Medical College, Nepal

Associate Professor, department of Oral Pathology

Sushil Subedi, Gandaki Medical College, Nepal

Associate Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Ujjwal Koirala, Gandaki Medical College, Nepal

Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Ishwori Sharma Paudel, Gandaki Medical College, Nepal

Professor, Department of Community Medicine

Sabita Paudel, Gandaki Medical College, Nepal

Professor, Department of Pharmacology




How to Cite

Shrestha, B., Subedi, S., Koirala, U., Paudel, I. S., & Paudel, S. (2021). Evaluation of Efficacy of Online Case Based Learning as a Teaching Learning Tool in Undergraduate Oral Pathology Course. Birat Journal of Health Sciences, 6(1), 1341–1345. https://doi.org/10.3126/bjhs.v6i1.37627



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