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Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a service to provide online publication of Nepalese journals. For more information about NepJOL and how to join the service, see the About page.
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Asian Journal of Population Sciences publishes original articles in all areas of population sciences. The journal covers a wide range of articles on population dynamics interrelated with social, economic, environmental and developmental themes that can have impact on public policy. The journal welcomes manuscripts not only from within South Asia but also among the scholars from the global arena so that the journal could be the platform for global demographic debate.
Publication Frequency
AJPS is published annually but occasionally has special issues.
Open Access Policy
The readers of this journal are allowed to read, download and shar the published articles once available online.
The articles in the Asian Journal of Population Sciences are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License which also permits the authors to use, distribute and reproduce in any form, given that the original work is cited properly.
Very limited copies of the journal will be printed for distribution among the authors, reviewers, libraries as well as the research institutions. However, the interested individuals as well as institutions can request a copy, which will be provided free of cost as per the availability of the issue requested.
Peer Review Process
After the deadline of the call for papers, all the manuscripts submitted to the journal will be initially assessed by the editorial board. The papers selected for further consideration will then be checked for plagiarism using the software available in the campus. The selected manuscripts after plagiarism check will then follow double blind peer review process. The journal adopts a double-blind review procedure (neither the author nor the reviewer know each other). Generally, each manuscript is sent for peer review to two anonymous reviewers. Peer review process takes two to three weeks’ time depending on the nature of the manuscript and the time taken by the reviewers. However, depending on the availability of the experts, this approach may include one or two reviewers. All drafts, together with comments and suggestions from peer reviewers, will be returned to the authors for modification. The authors are asked to submit updated papers within a week of receiving feedback. The editorial board reserves the right to modify, accept or reject the article.
The journal was formerly known as the Demographic Forum for one issue published in 2013.
Sources of Support
The publication of the journal is supported by the institution (Prithvi Narayan Campus).
The Asian Journal of Population Sciences is published by the Department of Population Studies, Prithvi Narayan Campus, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara, Nepal