
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

To download templates and guideline documents, go to

Annapurna Journal of Health Sciences (AJHS) is an official peer-reviewed biannual journal of Annapurna Neurological Institute & Allied Sciences which publishes original research work that contributes significantly to nurture the scientific knowledge in medical sciences including but not limited to clinical, public health, nursing, diagnostic science, basic science as well as health care management. The Journal publishes original research work either as a full Research Paper, Case Studies, Short Communication and Review Articles. Viewpoints on current topics in medical sciences are also considered for publication by the Journal.

The main aim of AJHS is to – 

  • To promote capacity building and foster the culture of research in health & allied sciences.
  • To foster collaborative research work with national and international Institutes and organizations.
  • To provide a platform for dissemination of the scientific studies and article which can significantly augment quality in health care setting as well as provide evidence based knowledge.
  • To provide desired academic impetus and support to the academic scientists as well as health care professionals.

 Manuscript Submission:

We accept the manuscript in the following sections:

  • Original article
  • Case report/ case series
  • Short communications
  • View point
  • Review article
  • Letter to editor
  • Guest Editorial and
  • Meta-Analysis & Systematic Review

Submission of Manuscript
All manuscripts must be submitted through registering to our Journal website in accordance to the submission guideline in the website. Any queries regarding submission can be mailed at

Please note that all manuscripts should be submitted by corresponding author.

Authors do not have to pay for submission, processing or publication of articles. If you experience any problems, please contact the editorial office by e-mail. The submitted manuscripts that are not as per the “Instructions to Authors” would be returned to the authors for technical correction, before they undergo editorial/ peer-review.

Manuscript should contain: Title, Author, Co-author and Corresponding Author list with full designation contact address with ORCID ID of corresponding author. The manuscript should start from Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Reference, Figures and Tables, Supplementary documents.

1. Title Page/First Page File/covering letter:
This file should provide

  • The type of manuscript (original article, case report, review article, Letter to editor, Images, etc.)
  • The title should not be more than 50 characters and avoid excessive adjectives and noun strings.
  • Title of the manuscript, running title, names of all authors/ contributors (with their highest academic degrees, designation and affiliations) and name(s) of department(s) and/ or institution(s) to which the work should be credited. All information which can reveal your identity should be here. This file should be sent in Doc/docx format.
  • Source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these;
  • Conflicts of Interest of each author/ contributor. A statement of financial or other relationships that might lead to a conflict of interest, if that information is not included in the manuscript itself or in an authors’ form
  • The name, address, e-mail, and telephone number of the corresponding author, who is responsible for communicating with the other authors about revisions and final approval of the proofs.

2. Abstract
This section should be in structured manner in second page under the following sub-headings, avoiding superfluous detail and be clear and concise. The word count ought to be 250 words.

Background: Introduction to the topic including the rational of study

Objective: Include the specific study aims or hypothesis

Methods: Include study design, statistical analysis used, setting, patients, interventions and main outcome, measures, 

Results: give numerical data rather than vague statements

Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 key words. Be sparing with abbreviations. Do not cite references in the abstract. Limit the use of abbreviations and acronyms.

3. Introduction
State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background. The Introduction should lead the reader to the importance of the study; tie-up published literature with the aims of the study and clearly states the rationale behind the research/study.

4. Materials and methods
Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Study type and design should be mentioned. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. All important materials used along with their source shall be mentioned. The main methods used shall be briefly described, citing references. Trivial details may be avoided. New methods or substantially modified methods may be described in sufficient detail. The statistical method and the level of significance chosen shall be clearly stated.

Ethics: When reporting studies on human beings, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible Ethical Review board/ Institutional review Committee and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (available at For prospective studies involving human participants, authors are expected to mention about approval of Ethics Committee or Review Board, obtaining informed consent from adult research participants. Ensure confidentiality of subjects by desisting from mentioning participants’ names, initials or hospital numbers, especially in illustrative material. The journal will not consider any paper which is ethically unacceptable. A statement on ethics committee permission and ethical practices must be included in all research articles under the ‘Materials and Methods’ section

5. Reporting Guideline
The guidelines listed below should be followed where appropriate. Please use these guidelines to structure your article. Completed applicable checklists, structured abstracts and flow diagrams should be uploaded with your submission; these will be published alongside the final version of your paper.

CONSORT Statement - For reporting of randomized controlled trials

STARD - For reporting of diagnostic accuracy studies

STROBE - For reporting of observational studies in epidemiology

  1. Checklist for cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies (combined)
  2. Checklist for cohort studies
  3. Checklist for case-control studies
  4. Checklist for cross-sectional studies

MOOSE - For reporting of meta-analyses of observational studies in epidemiology.

6. Results 
Results should be clear and concise. All findings presented in tabular or graphical form shall be described in this section. The data should be statistically analyzed and the level of significance stated. Data that is not statistically significant need only to be mentioned in the text - no illustration is necessary. All Tables and figures must have a title or caption and a legend to make them self-explanatory. Results section shall start after materials and methods section.

7. Discussion
This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. Discussion should follow results, deal with the interpretation of results, convey how they help increase current understanding of the problem and should be logical. Unsupported hypothesis should be avoided. The Discussion should state the possibilities the results uncover, that need to be collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references. Individuals with direct involvement in the study but not included in authorship may be acknowledged.

Please submit the following documents during submission to AJHS. (Please click on the provided documents to view the sample/templates). Please send the following documents with manuscript in which is available in the submission guideline of the journal website

  1. Forwarding Letter
  2. Authorship
  3. Declaration
  4. Manuscript
  5. A copy of the ethical approval letter
  6. Conflict of Interest

8. Conclusion
The aim should be stated in the introduction about what this study shows. The conclusion must be linked with the goal of the study. Describe how the findings contradict or support the current literature and information.

AJHS invites original research papers, review articles, case reports, viewpoints and letter to the editor containing new insight into any aspect of Medical & Health Science that are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere. The journal is particularly interested and welcomes papers in basic and clinical/ medical sciences, public health, hospital and healthcare management too.

It is written by AJHS editors or invited guest (Guest Editorial) on most pertinent issues on Health in Nepal or in the world. It undergoes a fast-track peer review process. The letter to editor should include the abstract where it should be a brief, conclusive observation. They shouldn't be preliminary findings that require validation in a subsequent paper. In 400 words maximum and 5 references.

AJHS accept researches conducted in the field of basic and clinical medical sciences, medical education, public health, hospital and healthcare management, allied health sciences with the maximum length of 2500-3500 words (excluding abstract of 250 words). It undergoes a rigorous peer review process. There is no limitation for the reference. It should include Title, Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and Reference in their guidelines provided above. Required Submission Documents:

  1. Forwarding Letter
  2. Authorship
  3. Declaration
  4. Manuscript
  5. A copy of the ethical approval letter
  6. Conflict of Interest

This section includes report of a case with literature review that includes, an unexpected association between diseases or symptoms, an unexpected event in the course of observing or treating a patient, findings that shed new light on the possible pathogenesis of a disease or an adverse effect, unique or rare feature of a disease, unique therapeutic approaches, approaches to a case report, a patient whose diagnosis was difficult to make, describe changes in one or more patients with chronic conditions over an extended time period, report on two or more patients with similar characteristics who received different interventions and had different outcomes, atypical management of patients with common problems, atypical patient presentations, apply theory to patient or client management, report on an administrative or academic experience. Cases that are new, intriguing, or extremely rare and have clinical implications may be reported. A maximum of 3-5 keywords arranged alphabetically and up to 1000 words, excluding references (up to 10) and the abstract (up to 150 words).

Please use the CARE Case Report Checklist while preparing your case report taking an account of CARE Flow Diagram. Please download the Case Report Consent Form from the journal website, get a written consent and put the original on the patient chart and provide a copy of it during your submission. Required Submission Documents:

  1. Forwarding Letter
  2. Authorship
  3. Declaration
  4. Manuscript
  5. A copy case report consent form &
  6. CARE checklist

Review article summarizes the current state of understanding on a topic and analyses or discusses research previously published by others on the subject matter. They are thorough literature reviews that identify historical and current trends in the topic, gaps in the research (areas for further exploration), and current debates or controversies. It has to be about 3000 words without counting abstract (200 words) and references (>50 and usually <100). It undergoes a rigorous peer review process. Required Submission Documents:

  1. Forwarding Letter
  2. Authorship
  3. Declaration
  4. Manuscript

These are research article which doesn’t fit exactly into research article but findings are interesting, e.g. pilot study. It undergoes the peer review process. Required Submission Documents:

  1. Forwarding Letter
  2. Authorship
  3. Declaration
  4. Manuscript

The article in this section is based on issues related to health sciences to raise the voice, awareness, new ideas, thought to provoke concepts, and personal expert opinion to improve the health. Required Submission Documents:

  1. Forwarding Letter
  2. Authorship
  3. Declaration
  4. Manuscript

The section includes a reaction and issue relating to AJHS, be it a comment relating a recent article, an elaboration of an important discovery, or simply a thought-provoking commentary of fewer than 1000 words without an abstract. Required Submission Documents:

  1. Forwarding Letter
  2. Authorship
  3. Declaration
  4. Manuscript

All the references that are being used are numbered in the order they are first mentioned. The reference numbers for tables and legends have to be used along with the parenthesis. In the event of reuse of the earlier reference, the same reference number needs to be used.

Reference numbering:
All the references that are being used are numbered in the order they are first mentioned. The reference numbers for tables and legends have to be used along with the parenthesis. In the event of reuse of the earlier reference, the same reference number needs to be used.

Reference Examples
References on the reference list are numbered and are listed in other in which they are originally referenced in the text.

Book—Single Author/Editor Format:

1. Title: subtitle (if available). Edition (other than 1st). Place of publication: Publisher; Year.

Example: 1. Snell RS. Clinical anatomy by regions. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012.

2. Author(s), editors (if editors, include this denotation). Title: subtitle (if available). Edition (other than 1st). Place of publication: Publisher; Year.

Example: 2. Voight ML, Hoogenboom BJ, Prentice WE, editors. Musculoskeletal interventions: techniques for therapeutic exercise. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2007. *If a book has more than six authors/editors, write “et al” after the sixth name.

For journal articles (examples)

With One Author

1. Author– Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue):pages.

Example: 1. Snowdon J. Severe depression in old age. Med Today. 2002 Dec;3(12):40-47.

With Two Authors

2. Authors separated by commas – Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title.   Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue):pages.

Example:  2. McInnes D, Bollen J. Learning on the job: metaphors of choreography and the practice of sex in sex-on-premises venues. Venereology. 2000;13(1):27-36.

With 3-6 Authors

3. Author(s) – Family name and initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title. Publication year, month, day (month & day only if available);volume(issue):pages.

Note: list all 6 authors or alternatively list the first 3 and add “et al”

Example: 3. Skalsky K, Yahav D, Bishara J, Pitlik S, Leibovici L, Paul M. Treatment of human brucellosis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 2008 Mar 29;336(7646):701-4

Example 4. Skalsky K, Yahav D, Bishara J, et al. Treatment of human brucellosis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 2008 Mar 29;336(7646):701-4.

The tables that are being used in the manuscript need to be numbered accordingly. Table title needs to be stated for all the tables that are being used. A heading need to be mentioned for each column. Mention the reference source if the data is taken from another source. The content and explanation about the table need to be mentioned in the note below and not in the heading. Tables with more than 10 columns and 25 rows are not permitted. Internal horizontal or vertical lines should not be used. The authors need to explain all the non-standard abbreviation in footnotes, and use of symbols.

Preparation of Figures

  • The resolution of the Image should be approximately 300 dpi and the dimension of 640 x 480 to 800 x 600 pixels dimension
  • TIFF (recommended for images)
  • JPEG (recommended for photographic images, less suitable for graphical images)
  • Send clear, glossy, black-and-white or color photographic prints, typically 127 x 173 mm (5 x 7 inches), for x-ray films, scans, and other diagnostic images, as well as photos of pathology specimens or photomicrographs.

Unit of Measurements
A unit of measurement is a specific magnitude of a quantity that is adopted by law or convention and used as a standard for measuring other quantities of the same kind. Measurements should be expressed in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples for length, height, weight, and volume. Blood pressure measurements should be made in millimeters of mercury and Temperatures must be expressed in Celsius, unless the journal specifically specifies other units.

Forwarding/ cover letter
The name and complete postal address of one author should be listed as the correspondent on the covering letter that goes with the article, and all authors must sign it. Any changes in address should be promptly reported by the associated author. In the cover letter, discuss why the journal should publish your work and why its readers will find it interesting. Forwarding letter should be:

  • Signed by all contributors
  • Previous publication / presentations mentioned
  • Source of funding mentioned
  • Conflicts of interest disclosed

To obtain authorship credit, a person must partake in all of the following four phases of journal publication:

  • Substantial contribution to research design, data collection and analysis;
  • Drafting or revising any important intellectual content;
  • Final review and approval before article submission; and
  • Agreement to be accountable “for all aspects of the work” necessary to ensure that “questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.”

The authors should ensure that the manuscript is not a duplicate publication. The manuscript will not be submitted elsewhere until the editorial process is completed. All authors shall sign declarations in the order that they are listed in the original manuscript.

Conflict of Interest
All the funding, other material support and financial support for this work are clearly identified in the manuscript and all competing interests, including specific financial interests and relationships and affiliations relevant to the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript (e.g.. employment/ affiliation, grants or funding, consultations,  stock ownership or options, expert testimony, royalties, or patents filed, received, or pending), are disclosed in the Acknowledgment section of the manuscript.


  • Spelt out the numerals at the beginning
  • Use correct punctuation, grammar and word synthesis
  • When beginning a sentence spell out single digit numbers from 1-9 and use numerals for others

Privacy Statement

Disclosure Policy
Disclosure statements of all the co-authors need to be sent at the time of submission. Manuscripts submitted without the disclosure statement will be considered incomplete and may not be considered to be reviewed.

At the external peer-review stage, the authors are required to send signed copies of the following statements:

  • Authors contribution
  • A statement of Conflict of interest.
  • Written Acknowledgments — consent of cited content and individuals.
  • Personal communications — written consent of cited content and individuals.
  • In the event of usage of any copyrighted/protected material —A signed authorization from author and publisher.
  • A signed copy of the subject whose clinical images are presented for study.

Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Privacy Statement

Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) is a member of the Ubiquity Partner Network coordinated by Ubiquity Press. According to the EU definitions, NepJOL is the data controller, and Ubiquity Press are the service providers and data processors. Ubiquity Press provide the technical platform and some publishing services to NepJOL and operate under the principle of data minimisation where only the minimal amount of personal data that is required to carry out a task is obtained.

More information on the type of data that is required can be found in Ubiquity Press’ privacy policy below.

Ubiquity Press Privacy Policy

We take seriously our duty to process your personal data in a fair and transparent way. We collect and manage user data according to the following Privacy Policy. This document is part of our Terms of Service, and by using the press portal, affiliated journals, book, conference and repository websites (the “Websites”), you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service. Please read the Terms of Service in their entirety, and refer to those for definitions and contacts.

What type of personal data do we handle?

There are four main categories of personal data stored by our journal platform, our press platform, and our book management system; Website User data, Author data, Reviewer data and Editor data.

The minimum personal data that are stored are:

  • full name
  • email address
  • affiliation (department, and institution)
  • country of residence

Optionally, the user can provide:

  • salutation
  • gender
  • associated URL
  • phone number
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  • reviewing interests
  • mailing address
  • ORCiD
  • a short biography
  • interests
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How do we use the data?

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How we collect and use your data:

1. When using the website

1.1 what data we collect

  • When you browse our website, we collect anonymised data about your use of the website; for example, we collect information about which pages you view, which files you download, what browser you are using, and when you were using the site.
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1.2 why we collect the data

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1.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

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1.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • Please contact to request a copy of your data, or for your data to be removed/anonymised.

2. When registering as an author, and submitting an article or book

2.1 what data we collect

  • When registering an account we ask you to log in and provide certain personal information (such as your name and email address), and there is the option to register using an ORCiD which will pre-fill the registration form.
  • As part of submitting an article for publication, you will need to provide personally identifying information which will be used for the peer review process, and will be published. This can include ‘Affiliation’, ‘Competing interests’, ‘Acknowledgements’.

2.2 why we collect the data

  • Registering an account allows you to log in, manage your profile, and participate as an author/reviewer/editor. We use cookies and session information to streamline your use of the website (for example in order for you to remain logged-in when you return to a journal). You can block or delete cookies and still be able to use the websites, although if you do you will then need to enter your username and password to login. In order to take advantage of certain features of the websites, you may also choose to provide us with other personal information, such as your ORCiD, but your decision to utilize these features and provide such data will always be voluntary.
  • Personal data submitted with the article or book is collected to allow follow good publication ethics during the review process, and will form part of the official published record in order for the provenance of the work to be established, and for the work to be correctly attributed.

2.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • We do not share your personal information with third parties, other than as part of providing the publishing service.
  • As a registered author in the system you may be contacted by the journal editor to submit another article.
  • Any books published on the platform are freely available to download from the publisher website in PDF, EPUB and MOBI formats on the publisher’s site.
  • Any personal data accompanying an article or a book (that will have been added by the submitting author) is published alongside it. The published data includes the names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors.
  • Any articles published on the platform are freely available to download from the publisher website in various formats (e.g. PDF, XML).
  • Ubiquity Press books and articles are typeset by SiliconChips and Diacritech.This process involves them receiving the book and book associated metadata and contacting the authors to finalise the layout. Ubiquity Press work with these suppliers to ensure that personal data is only used for the purposes of typesetting and proofing.
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2.4 why we store the data

  • We store the account data so that you may choose to become a reviewer and be able to perform those tasks, or to become an author and submit an article and then track progress of that article.
  • Published personal data that accompanies an article or a book forms part of the official published record in order for the provenance of the work to be established, and for the work to be correctly attributed.

2.5 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • You are able to view, change and remove your data associated with your profile. Should you choose to completely delete your account, please contact us at and we will follow up with your request as soon as possible.
  • To conform to publication ethics and best practice any personal data that is published alongside an article or book cannot be removed. If you have a query about a publication to which you are attributed please contact

3. When registering as a reviewer

3.1 what data we collect

  • To become a reviewer you must first register as a user on the website, and set your preference that you would like to be considered as a reviewer. No new personal data is collected when a registered user elects to become a reviewer.
  • When registering an account we ask you to log in and provide certain personal information (such as your name and email address), and there is the option to register using an ORCiD which will pre-fill the registration form.
  • Reviewers can also be registered by editors who invite them to review a specific article. This requires the editor to provide the reviewer’s First Name, Last Name, and Email address. Normally this will be done as part of the process of inviting you to review the article or book.
  • On submitting a review, the reviewer includes a competing interest statement, they may answer questions about the quality of the article, and they will submit their recommendation.

3.2 why we collect the data

  • The data entered is used to invite the reviewer to peer review the article or book, and to contact the reviewer during and the review process.
  • If you submit a review then the details of your review, including your recommendation, your responses to any review form, your free-form responses, your competing interests statement, and any cover letter are recorded.

3.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • This data is not shared publicly and is only accessible by the Editor and system administrators of that journal or press.
  • The data will only be used in connection with that journal or press.
  • Data that is retained post final decision is kept to conform to publication ethics and best practice, to provide evidence of peer review, and to resolve any disputes relating to the peer review of the article or book.
  • For journals or presses that publish the peer reviews, you will be asked to give consent to your review being published, and a subset of the data you have submitted will become part of the published record.

3.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • If you would no longer like to be registered as a reviewer you can edit your profile and tick the box ‘stop being a reviewer’. This will remove you from the reviewer database, however any existing reviews you may have carried out will remain.
  • If you have been contacted by an editor to peer review an article this means that you have been registered in the system. If you would not like to be contacted for peer review you can reply to the email requesting that your data be deleted.

4. When being registered as a co-author

4.1 what data we collect

  • Co-author data is entered by the submitting author. The submitting author will already have a user account. According to standard publishing practice, the submitting author is responsible for obtaining the consent of their co-authors to be included (including having their personal data included) in the article/book being submitted to the journal/press.
  • The requested personal data for co-authors are at the bare minimum; first name, last name, institution, country, email address. This can also include; ORCID ID, Title, Middle Name, Biographical Statement, Department, Twitter Handle, Linkedin Profile Name or ImpactStory ID.

4.2 why we collect the data

  • Assuming that it is accepted for publication, this data forms part of the official published record in order for the provenance of the work to be established, and for the work to be correctly attributed.
  • Author names, affiliations and emails are required for publication and will become part of the permanent cited record.

4.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • The co-author’s personal data is stored in the author database. This personal data is only used in relation to the publication of the associated article.
  • Any co-author data collected is added to the author database and is only used in association with the article the user is co-author on.

4.5 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • To receive a copy of your data, please contact
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5. When signing-up to receive newsletters

5.1 what data we collect

  • We require you to include your name and email address

5.2 why we collect and store the data, and for how long

  • This data would be collected to keep you updated with any news about the platform or specific journal

5.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • We use mailchimp to provide our mailing list services. Their privacy policy can be found here

5.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data or want your data to be removed

  • All emails sent via our newsletter client will include a link that will allow you to unsubscribe from the mailing list

Notification about change of ownership or of control of data

We may choose to buy or sell assets. In the case that control of data changes to or from Ubiquity Press and a third party, or in the case of change of ownership of Ubiquity Press or of part of the business where the control of personal data is transferred, we will do our best to inform all affected users and present the options.

(Updated: 4th August 2023)