Fine needle diathermy - A choice for managing corneal vascularization
fine needle diathermy, corneal vascularization, occlusion of vessels, prekeratoplastyAbstract
Introduction: Corneal vascularization develops as a result of various corneal diseases. Fine- needle diathermy (FND) is one of the methods to occlude corneal vessels.Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of this method in a series of patients with corneal vascularization.
Materials and methods: Twenty eight patients with corneal vascularization were treated with FND. The patients were divided into four groups according to etiological factors like pre-keratoplasty (high risk patients), increased keratopathy, recurrent inflammation and postkeratoplasty rejection .The FND was performed under local anaesthesia with the help of a corneal needle of 10-0 monofilament nylon suture. The success of treatment was evaluated in terms of regression and occlusion of corneal vessels.
Results: The main aim of a complete occlusion of blood vessels was achieved in all patients. The most frequent complication seen was a transient whitening of the cornea especially around the needle entry in nine cases, which cleared within 24 hours.
Conclusion: FND is a simple safe, inexpensive and effective treatment. It can be repeated and used as an alternative therapy for corneal vascularization.
Key words: fine needle diathermy; corneal vascularization; occlusion of vessels; prekeratoplasty
DOI: 10.3126/nepjoph.v3i1.4274
Nepal J Ophthalmol 2011;3(5):23-26
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How to Cite
Thatte, S. (2011). Fine needle diathermy - A choice for managing corneal vascularization. Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology, 3(1), 23–26.
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