Fate of Forgotten DJ Stent


  • Bikash Bikram Thapa Department of Surgery Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences
  • Naryan Thapa Nepal army institute of health sciences
  • Bharat Bahadur Bhandari Nepal army institute of health sciences




double J stent, endourological approach, stent syndrome


Introduction: Double J stent is one common armamentarium used in urological procedure. It can serve both therapeutic and prophylactic function. However the use of double J stent is invariably associated with minor to some of major complications. Forgotten DJ stent is one untoward issue of stenting patient that is largely preventable and entails complex urological procedure to remove it. 

Methods: We performed descriptive study where data were collected prospectively from patients who have double J ureteral stent in situ after urological procedure. Stent left more than three months was defined as forgotten DJ stent. Demographic characteristics, clinic-radiological data and details of management were noted to evaluate the mode of presentation, associated complications and mode of treatment. The reason behind forgetting those stent was asked with study population and presented.

Results: The total of 27 cases of forgotten DJ stent cases were recorded during period of December 2013 to January 2018. Mean age of patient was 46.6 ± 12.25 years. The longest indwelling time was 10 years. Stent syndrome was common mode of presentation followed by encrustation. Majority (92.5%) of the patients were managed with endourological approach and 26% (7) of cases required more than one modalities of treatment.

Conclusions: The forgotten stent is an avoidable condition through proper patient counselling. When required the management necessitates simple cystoscopic to complex endourolgical intervention. 


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Author Biographies

Bikash Bikram Thapa, Department of Surgery Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences

Asst. Prof./ Major Dr.

Department of Surgery

Urology Unit


Naryan Thapa, Nepal army institute of health sciences

department of surgery

Bharat Bahadur Bhandari, Nepal army institute of health sciences

department of surgery




How to Cite

Thapa, B. B., Thapa, N., & Bhandari, B. B. (2018). Fate of Forgotten DJ Stent. Medical Journal of Shree Birendra Hospital, 17(2), 38–43. https://doi.org/10.3126/mjsbh.v17i2.19901



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