Knowledge and practice among the caretakers of bedridden patients on prevention of urinary tract infection


  • N Khanal Associate Professor, Universal College of Nursing Sciences, Bhairahawa



Knowledge and Practice of UTI, Nepal Orthopedic Hospital, Spinal Injury Hospital, Bedridden patient


INTRODUCTION: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the major complications of immobility or bedridden condition. Between 46-59% of spinal cord injury patients develop urinary tract infection during the first year of trauma. UTI is a second most common type of infection, accounting for nearly 25% of all infections and a serious health problem affecting millions of people each year. The findings of the study might be helpful to the long term care health institution for the development the strategies to involve the caretakers to prevent urinary tract infection in bedridden patients.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to find out the level of knowledge and current practice of caretakers of bedridden patients on prevention of urinary tract infection.

METHODS: The descriptive and cross-sectional study design was adopted in this study. A self-prepared structured interview questionnaire and observation checklist was used to collect data from 30 caretakers of hospitalized bedridden patients of Nepal Orthopedic Hospital and Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center Jorpati implying purposive & convenient sampling technique.

RESULTS: Out of30 caretakers, no one had adequate (>80%) knowledge and 46.6% had moderate (50-80%) knowledge and 53.3% had low (<50%) knowledge on meaning, high risk group, contributing factors, signs & symptoms, consequences and preventive measures of UTI as a whole. Caretaker's preventive practices of UTI for their bedridden patients were not satisfactory except encourage the patient for drinking 2-3 liters water per day.

CONCLUSION: Majorities (53.3%) of the caretakers of bedridden patients had low level knowledge on preventive measures of UTI. Similarly UTI preventive practices of caretakers were also not satisfactory. Therefore, awareness raising programme on preventive measures of UTI need to be organized specially for caretakers.


Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences (2014) Vol.2(1): 24-29


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How to Cite

Khanal, N. (2014). Knowledge and practice among the caretakers of bedridden patients on prevention of urinary tract infection. Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences, 2(1), 24–29.



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