Clinical profile and early outcome of arteriovenous fistula creation for haemodialysis: Integrated activity in a general surgery unit


  • Deep Lamichhane Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Patan Hospital, Lalitpur
  • Sanjay Paudyal Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Patan Hospital, Lalitpur
  • Pukar Maskey Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Patan Hospital, Lalitpur
  • Santa Bir Maharjan Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Patan Hospital, Lalitpur
  • Arbin Joshi Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Patan Hospital, Lalitpur
  • Bimal Pandey Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Patan Hospital, Lalitpur
  • Jay Narayan Shah Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Patan Hospital, Lalitpur
  • Vijay Kumar Jaiswal Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Patan Hospital, Lalitpur



Arteriovenous fistula, Chronic renal failure, General surgery unit, Maintenance haemodialysis


Introduction: A functioning arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is essential for maintenance hemodialysis (HD) in a patient with chronic renal failure. This study explores the creation of AVF as an integral activity in a general surgical unit by a general surgeon.

Methods: This is a hospital based cross sectional study done at Patan Hospital patients who underwent creation of AVF from January 2015 to June 2015 were included in the study. Patient demographic and clinical data were documented. Outcome and complications of AVF surgery were obtained over a 6 months period from the time of vascular access creation.

Results: Thirty-seven patients were operated in the study period with a mean age of 35.44 years and M: F ratio of 2.7:1. There were 3 immediate and 3 delayed failure with 81.81% (n=27) patency rate at 6 months follow up. The maturation time was 3-7weeks (mean +/- SD of 4.83 +/- 1.053). Complication occurred in 4 patients, namely arm edema (n=3) and haematoma (n=1).

Conclusion: The creation of AVF for HD performed in a general surgery unit is a safe procedure with satisfactory outcome and acceptable level of complications.

 Journal of Society of Surgeons of Nepal, 2015; 18 (2), Page: 2-5



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How to Cite

Lamichhane, D., Paudyal, S., Maskey, P., Maharjan, S. B., Joshi, A., Pandey, B., … Jaiswal, V. K. (2017). Clinical profile and early outcome of arteriovenous fistula creation for haemodialysis: Integrated activity in a general surgery unit. Journal of Society of Surgeons of Nepal, 18(2), 2–5.



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