Descriptive analysis of COVID-19 death at Patan Academy of Health Sciences


  • Ashis Shrestha Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Sumana Bajracharya Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Rajiv Sharma Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Arpana chhetri Budhathoki Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal



COVID-19, Death, Mortality, Nepal


Introduction: The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19 ) pandemic has led to infection and deaths worldwide. The clinical and laboratory findings at presentation to emergency can provide clue for deaths. This study aims to analyze COVID-19 deaths, and clinical-laboratory findings at presentation.

Method: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study conducted at Patan Hospital, Patan Academy of Health Science, Lalitpur, Nepal to analyze mortality due to COVID-19 during the year 2020. The study describes the clinical presentation, laboratory parameters at the time of presentation to the emergency department and clinical course during hospital stay.

Result: Among 133 COVID-19 deaths analyzed, the median age was 61y (2d to 91y), males 73(54.9%), hypertension in 34(25.6%), 104(78.1%) had shortness of breath, 70(52.6%) fever and 34(25.6%) had cough on presentation. Median oxygen saturation on arrival was 77%, all 133(100%) required oxygen. Oxygen requirement at admission, ferritin (median 603 mcg/L), C- Reactive protein (median CRP 89.5 mg/) and lactate dehydrogenase (median LDH, 432 u/L) were not significantly correlated with duration of disease or hospital/ICU stay. Median duration of disease was 10d, hospital stay 8d and ICU stay 3d. COVID-19 deaths occurred due to respiratory failure in 105(78.9%).

Conclusion: COVID-19 deaths were due to respiratory failure in 2/3rd (78.9% of 133), more in middle age (>46y) males with comorbidities, commonly hypertension. Abnormal vital signs, elevated CRP, ferritin, LDH, were seen in COVID-19 deaths. Oxygen requirement at admission was not correlated with duration of disease, or hospital/ICU stay.


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Author Biographies

Ashis Shrestha, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Assistant Professor, Department of General Practice and Emergency Medicine, Patan Hospital

Sumana Bajracharya, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Assistant Professor, Department of General Practice and Emergency Medicine

Rajiv Sharma, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Ex-Medical Officer, Department of General Practice and Emergency Medicine, Patan Hospital

Arpana chhetri Budhathoki, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Ex-Medical Officer, Department of General Practice and Emergency, Patan Hospital




How to Cite

Shrestha, A., Bajracharya, S., Sharma, R., & chhetri Budhathoki, A. (2021). Descriptive analysis of COVID-19 death at Patan Academy of Health Sciences. Journal of Patan Academy of Health Sciences, 8(1), 18–25.



COVID-19: Original Articles