Evaluation of web-based self-assessment module administered in a medical school of Nepal


  • Shital Bhandary Department of Community Health Science, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpurs,
  • Satish Raj Ghimire Department of Anatomy, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur
  • Ira Shrestha Department of Physiology, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur




Self-assessment, MCQ, SISAQ, Angoff, Borderline regression, Standard setting


Introductions: Self-assessment enables medical students to self-evaluate their knowledge and seek timely assistance for effective learning from their peers and faculties. Self-assessment is an integral part of the student assessment system of School of Medicine, Patan Academy of Health Sciences.

Methods: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Structured Integrated Short Answer Questions (SISAQs) links were sent to the personal e-mail of medical students at the start of Principle of Human Biology I Block. These items were created and selected from various disciplines as per their curricular weightage in this block. Students’ scores and feedback were analysed once this 11-week long block was over.

Results: The MCQ surveys had ideal difficulty levels and acceptable discrimination indices but they had poor internal consistencies. The criterion-referenced cut-scores of MCQs and SISAQ were higher than the conventionally used 50% pass-mark in Nepal. Students’ suggested to increase the MCQs and SISAQ numbers and match them in terms of their difficulty levels with the end-block and end-year summative assessments. Item analysis helped to identify the items to be retained, revised and discarded for the future use.

Conclusions: Web-based self-assessment of knowledge was found to be an extremely useful tool to inculcate self-directed and life-long learning habits among medical students.

Journal of Patan Academy of Health Sciences. 2014 Dec;1(2):58-63


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How to Cite

Bhandary, S., Ghimire, S. R., & Shrestha, I. (2015). Evaluation of web-based self-assessment module administered in a medical school of Nepal. Journal of Patan Academy of Health Sciences, 1(2), 58–63. https://doi.org/10.3126/jpahs.v1i2.20184



Medical Education: Original Aricles