Diversity and local status of bryophytes in Mai pokhari of Ilam district, east Nepal


  • Nirmala Pradhan Natural History Museum, Tribhuvan University, Swayambhu, Kathmandu
  • Ragnhild Heimstad Multiconsult ASA, Nedre Skoeyenvei 2, 0276 Osio




New record, habitat, lake, Ilam, sporophyte


Bryophytes in Mai Pokhari area of Ilam District, east Nepal was studied in September 2013 to investigate species diversity and status. A total of 42 bryophytes were compiled occurrence status. Plagiochila exigua (Taylor) Taylor, Dicranella setifera (Mitt.) A. Jaeger, Trematodonkurzii Hampe ex Gangulee and Pseudobarbella niitakayamensis Nog. recorded in this study are new additions to Nepal. Wet and damp areas around this lake are suitable habitats for thesporophytic growth of man+y bryophyte species.


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How to Cite

Pradhan, N., & Heimstad, R. (2018). Diversity and local status of bryophytes in Mai pokhari of Ilam district, east Nepal. Journal of Natural History Museum, 30, 39–46. https://doi.org/10.3126/jnhm.v30i0.27402


