About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (JJIS) is an annual, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal that covers a wide disciplines of natural science, social science, education, law and management.  It publishes original research article, review article, general article and book review. 

Peer Review Process

JJIS is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal covering the diverse dimensions of the study.  

  1. General guidelines are provided to the authors before submission of the article (Author's guidelines are given at the end of each issue of each journal).
  2. Chief editor receives all the article at the initial stage and reviews wheter the article meets the minimum standard of the journal. At this stage about 10-15 percent of the article are rejected (desk rejection). 
  3. The articles are checked for plagiarism through TURNITIN.
  4. Those articles which exceed 20 percent plagiarism are rejected for publication and are not sent for review. In each year, about 30 percent of the articles are rejected at the initial stage while checking plagiarism.
  5. The articles are sent to two reviewers by disguising the name of the author and authoring detail.
  6. After getting the reviewer's report, the report is sent to the respective authors for revision within a couple of weeks.
  7. The authors are responsible to revise the paper according to the comments and suggestions given by the reviewers. Authors who do not revise the paper as per the comments of the reviewer are not accepted for the publication. 
  8. Finally, the revised papers are again assessed by the editorial team whether the authors revise according to the suggestions and comments of the reviewers. 
  9. If authors revise the papers according to the reviewer's suggestions and comments, the authors are informed of the acceptance.
  10. The papers are sent to the authors for galley proof.
  11. Finally, the papers are accepted for publication.
  12. Both printed and online issues are published at the end of each year.  The journal is also uploaded to the website of the college (www.janapriya.edu.np at first).

Guidelines for the authors

I. Title Page
Title should be brief clear, concise and informative. Do not include the authority for taxonomic names in the title. The first letter of the first word in the title is capitalized. The author/s’ name and present affiliation and e-mail address should appear just below the title.
II. Abstract
Body of manuscripts should be preceded by an abstract with the maximum length of 200-250 words for full-length article. It should be clear, concise and complete in its own limits providing a brief summary of the research including the objective, method, results and major conclusions. Do not include literature, citations in the abstract.
III. Keywords
Five to eight key words should be provided at the bottom of the abstract arranged alphabetically.
IV. Main context
Main texts should be organized under the following headings:
Background should describe significance of the paper beginning with a paragraph of explanation that describes the problem under investigation (e.g. existing knowledge and gap) leading to the main research objective and questions.
Data and Methods section should provide sufficient information so that the research can be repeated in future. Therefore, a clear description of technical procedures should include: Study area and time, nature and source of data, research design, data collection methods and data analysis procedure.
Results and Discussion generally should be stated concisely and clearly in descriptive, tabular and graphical forms without interpretation. This section should address the objective of specific objectives systematically. Discussion should provide: interpretation of the results without recapitulation them, comparison of the results and impact of the results on existing knowledge of the subject.
Conclusion should clearly point out the main finding, which must be justified by the analysis of data. Preconceived ideas should not override the results and conclusions.
V. Acknowledgment
Should be short and specific providing information about various supports (eg funding, supervision, field assistance) received for research.

VI. References
Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (Jjis) follows American psychological Association (APA) style for in text citation, tables, figures and references; therefore contributors are requested to prepare their manuscript strictly based on the latest version of APA style [7th edition]. For the simplicity of contributors, few of the examples for referencing styles are presented as follows;
Journal article
Poos, M.S., Walker, S. C., & Jackon, D. A. (2009). Functional diversity indices can be driven by methodological choices and species richness. Ecology 90 (1), 341-347.http://doi.org/10.1016/0163.8343(94)90021.3

Basnet, K. (2001). Tarai arc landscape assessment: Biodiversity component. World Wildlife Fund Nepal Program, Kathmandu Nepal.

Chand, D. (2000). Nepal’s tourism : Uncensored facts. London: Pilgrims Books.
Edited Book Chapter: Basnet, K. (2006). Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on biodiversity: A major issues of protected area management in Nepal. In C. Korner, E. Spehm, & M. Liebermann (Eds.). Land use changes and biodiversity (pp. 57-87). CRS Press.

Subedi, P. K. (2006). Fertility behavior among Duras: Multidisciplinary approaches [Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Exter].

Publication Frequency

Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (JJIS) is published annually in December of each year.

Open Access Policy

Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary (JJIS) is fully open access for all users. Articles in the journal are published under an Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International CC BY-NC Licence.


The JRCC and Editors cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in the Journal, The views, and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the JRCC and Editors.