Effect of Partial Substitution of Sodium Chloride with Potassium Chloride and the Use of Garlic (<i>Alium sativum</i> L.) on the Sensory Qualities of Frankfurter
Frankfurter, substitution, sensory evaluation, panelist, Hedonic scale, garlicAbstract
A study was carried out from 1st July to 21st October 2003 at the Institute of Animal Science (IAS), University of the Philippines, Los Baños, College Laguna, Philippines. The study was based on the overall acceptability of substitution of sodium chloride by potassium chloride, frankfurters of broiler chicken and buffalo meat, which were prepared with or without garlic at 1:1 ratio. Frankfurters stored in chiller for over-night after the preparation (as fresh) and stored in freezer (-5 to -7°C) were taken out at 45 and 75 days for sensory evaluation. Ten experienced panelists were involved to evaluate sensory characteristics of frankfurters. Required amount of franks were cut into approximately 2.5 cm size and heated in microwave before serving to the panelists after randomly coding. Each panelist was served with four randomly allocated samples such that in each replication (block), two panelists were assigned. Juiciness, tenderness, color, flavor, off-flavor and overall acceptability were evaluated using the seven point Hedonic scale score card. Type of meat used and the storage period had significant influence in some of the sensory traits, such as juiciness, tenderness and color. Scores for juiciness and tenderness were significantly (P>0.05) higher with chicken franks. However, highly significant (P>0.01) difference was observed for color, favoring buffalo meat franks. Traits such as flavor and overall acceptability had higher scores for chicken than buffalo meat, although scores for offflavor had opposite values; higher with chicken, but was not significantly different. Sensory characteristics for stored products were scored lower than fresh. Color was influenced significantly (P>0.05) by meat type, salt, garlic and also storage period of 75 days. Meat type and storage interaction had significant (P>0.05) differences on juiciness, overall acceptability and tenderness. However, their effects as individual variable were not significant. When garlic was used at 2% level in combination with NaCl+KCl at 1:1 ratio the effectiveness was more pronounced from all respects. However, same percentage of garlic could not produce more acceptable franks with sodium chloride alone. All sensory parameters considered in the study were scored less either for 45 or 75 days storage than the fresh. However, statistically; except for off-flavor, no significant differences were observed between 45 and 75 days. Key words: Frankfurter, substitution, sensory evaluation, panelist, Hedonic scale, garlic J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci. 26:57-64 (2005)Downloads
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How to Cite
Karki, D. N., Roxas, N., Sevilla, C. C., Obedoza, R. B., & Barraquio, V. (2005). Effect of Partial Substitution of Sodium Chloride with Potassium Chloride and the Use of Garlic (<i>Alium sativum</i> L.) on the Sensory Qualities of Frankfurter. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, 26, 57–64. https://doi.org/10.3126/jiaas.v26i0.612
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