Impact of Rice Root Knot Nematode at Different Growth Stages of Wheat


  • D. Sharma-Poudyal
  • R.R. Pokharel
  • S.M. Shrestha
  • G.B. Khatri-Chhetri


Root knot nematode, Meloidogyne graminicola, Triticum aestivum, yield loss


A study was conducted to determine the effect of Meloidogyne graminicola at different growth stages of wheat variety 'UP262'. The experiment was carried out in pots filled with sick soil infested with M. graminicola in a nethouse at IAAS, Rampur, Chitwan. Second stage juvenile (J2) of M. graminicola was extracted from soil and root by Modified Baermann Tray Method. Galls on roots were not found at any growth stage. Population and reproduction rates of M. graminicola J2 in soil and root were higher at seedling to tillering stage and lowered at stem elongation to booting and again increased after ear emergence. Root length was reduced at dough and maturity stages in diseased plants. Plant height, ear length and grain number and weight per hill were less in diseased plants, however, tillers number per hill and test weight did not differ considerably. Grain yield per hill was reduced by 42% due to the infection of the nematode. M. graminicola appeared to be an important pathogen of wheat. Further investigations should be carried out to find out the impact of disease in field and to prevent the consequence losses.

J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci. 2003 24:81-84


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How to Cite

Sharma-Poudyal, D., Pokharel, R., Shrestha, S., & Khatri-Chhetri, G. (2003). Impact of Rice Root Knot Nematode at Different Growth Stages of Wheat. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, 24, 81–84. Retrieved from



Research Notes