Acute coronary syndrome in the young Nepalese population with their angiographic characteristics


  • Shankar Laudari College of Medical Sciences-Teaching Hospital
  • Sachin Dhungel College of Medical Sciences-Teaching Hospital
  • Laxman Dubey College of Medical Sciences-Teaching Hospital
  • Rajesh Panjiyar College of Medical Sciences-Teaching Hospital
  • Madhu Gupta College of Medical Sciences-Teaching Hospital
  • Gagnapatnam Subramanyam College of Medical Sciences-Teaching Hospital
  • Pawina Subedi College of Medical Sciences-Teaching Hospital
  • Bindesh Ghimire College of Medical Sciences-Teaching Hospital



Acute coronary syndrome, angiography, angioplasty, outcome


Background & Objectives: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is an emerging cardiac problem in the young population in Asia and Nepalese population is not an exception to this. Early ACS in young age imparts huge familial and social economic burden. Early identification and proper management strategy is still a challenging problem in developing countries like Nepal where there are limited coronary intervention centers. The study was conducted with objective to study the clinical spectrum, etiologies, coronary angiographic characteristics and their clinical outcomes.

Materials & Methods:  This is a cross-sectional study carried out in a tertiary hospital in central Nepal. Forty patients with acute coronary syndrome with age less than 40 years were enrolled in the study.

Results: Majority of the patients were males with male: female=1.8:1. Twenty six (65%) patients were having ST segment elevation myocardial infarction followed by non-ST elevation myocardial infarction in nine (22.50%) patients and unstable angina in five (12.50%). patients. The most common risk factors were smoking, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia. Majority were having single vessel disease. Twenty (50%) patients had undergone primary angioplasty followed by thrombolysis in seven patients and the rest were managed medically because of late presentation. In-hospital major adverse cardiac events and mortality were higher among STEMI than NSTEMI and unstable angina.

Conclusion: Acute coronary syndrome in the young is increasing in the Nepalese population. This group of population should be well educated and made aware of the potential coronary risk factors and their modification.



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How to Cite

Laudari, S., Dhungel, S., Dubey, L., Panjiyar, R., Gupta, M., Subramanyam, G., … Ghimire, B. (2017). Acute coronary syndrome in the young Nepalese population with their angiographic characteristics. Journal of College of Medical Sciences-Nepal, 13(2), 235–240.



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