Assertiveness and Self-Esteem among Nursing Students of Manipal College of Medical Science of Pokhara, Nepal


  • Sandhya Shrestha MCOMS, Pokhara, Nepal


Assertiveness, Nursing Students, Self-esteem


Background: Assertive behaviour and low self-esteem have been found to major problem in the nursing profession. Nursing students today are the backbone of professional nurses of tomorrow. In order to ensure competent and safe practice, it is necessary for them to be individuals with high assertive skills and self-esteem. This study was conducted to identify assertiveness and self-esteem among nursing students.

Methods: A descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted among 202 Proficiency Certificate Level and Bachelor of Science in nursing students of Manipal College of Medical Sciences (nursing programme), Pokhara, Nepal during July/August 2015. Data collection was done by purposive sampling. Tools used were demographic proforma, Begley and Glacken Assertiveness behavior questionnaire and Rosenberg self-esteem scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential sta­tistics chi-square and correlation coefficient.

Results: The study revealed nursing students had moderate level of as­sertiveness and self-esteem. There is a significant association between assertiveness and level of study and residence. There is a significant as­sociation between level of self-esteem with level of study and residence and There is significant positive correlation (r= 412) among assertive­ness and self-esteem score with p value <0.001.

Conclusion: It is concluded that majority of nursing students have mod­erate assertiveness and self–esteem. Nurse educators should take ini­tiation to improve high assertiveness and self-esteem of nursing stu­dents.


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Author Biography

Sandhya Shrestha, MCOMS, Pokhara, Nepal

Department of Nursing




How to Cite

Shrestha, S. (2019). Assertiveness and Self-Esteem among Nursing Students of Manipal College of Medical Science of Pokhara, Nepal. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 9(2), 54–59. Retrieved from



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