Reproductive Health Status of Married Women Participating In Cervical Cancer Screening In Kathmandu


  • Ang Tshering Sherpa KIST Medical College and Hospital, Imadol, Lalitpur, Nepal
  • Neeti Singh KIST Medical College and Hospital, Imadol, Lalitpur, Nepal
  • Manisha Bajracharya People’s Dental College, Nayabazar, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Amita Pradhan PHECT, Kirtipur, Nepal
  • Peru Pradhan PHECT, Kirtipur, Nepal


Reproductive Health, VIA


Background: Reproductive health of women has been the central agenda of Cairo conference since its inception in 1999. As a signatory country for Cairo Conference, Nepal government is also committed for reproductive rights for Nepalese women. Despite this, reproductive health challenges do exist in Nepal. This prompted us to determine the reproductive health status of married women attending in cervical cancer screening in Kath­mandu.

Methods: Cross sectional study was designed to include retrospective data of married women, obtained during cervical cancer screening camp conducted by KIST Medical College at Laga Khala Clinic, Lagan, Kathmandu on 12-02- 2017. Among married women (131) attended cervical 100 wom­en’s records with complete set of data for reproductive health variables required for the study were included in this study. Statistical analysis was done descriptively.

Results: Participant’s age is between 21 years to 61 years, 83% are liter­ate and 46% are employed. Adolescence marriage and pregnancy were two main problems noted. Cervical examination in relation showed 3% (3) VIA positive, 33% (33) Cervicitis, 10% (10) cervical polyp, 7% (7) atrophic vaginitis, 4% (4) cervical erosion and 43% (43) healthy cervix. Regarding Knowledge about risk factor majority 92% (92) had either no knowledge or only some extent of knowledge.

Conclusions: Married women who lives in Kathmandu has significant re­productive health problem. Urban health program should address these issues.


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Author Biographies

Ang Tshering Sherpa, KIST Medical College and Hospital, Imadol, Lalitpur, Nepal

Department of Community Medicine

Neeti Singh, KIST Medical College and Hospital, Imadol, Lalitpur, Nepal

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Amita Pradhan, PHECT, Kirtipur, Nepal

Department of Obsttrics and Gynecology

Peru Pradhan, PHECT, Kirtipur, Nepal

Department of Obsttrics and Gynecology




How to Cite

Sherpa, A. T., Singh, N., Bajracharya, M., Pradhan, A., & Pradhan, P. (2019). Reproductive Health Status of Married Women Participating In Cervical Cancer Screening In Kathmandu. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 9(2), 30–35. Retrieved from



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