Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients attending outpatient clinic with thyroid disorders in Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital


  • Bidhan Shrestha Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Shital Adhikari Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Rano Mal Piryani Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Arun Sedhain Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Suresh Deep Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Sabina Sedhai Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal
  • Harikrishna Dhakal Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal


Anti TPO Antibodies, Hyperthyroidism, Vitamin D, Hypothyroidism


Objectives: Vitamin D deficiency is being studied all over the world and is a global health problem. Recent studies haveshown that Vitamin D may have a significant role in reducing the incidence of autoimmune diseases. This study was conducted to find out the level of Vitamin D in patients with thyroid disorders and compare Vitamin D levels in Anti Tpo positive and negative patients.

Subject and Methodology: 60 patients from Chitwan Medical College outpatient clinic were included in the study from February to May 2016. A brief history and clinical examinations were taken from all patients along with laboratory tests for thyroid functions, TPO antibody level of 25(OH) Vitamin D3 level and Serum Calcium level.

Results: Both patients of hypothyroidism (autoimmune and nonautoimmune) had severe Vitamin D deficiency. Most of the hyperthyroid cases had Vitamin D insufficiency. Anti TPO positive and negative patients both had Vitamin D deficiency.

Conclusion: Our study shows there is significant Vitamin D deficiency in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism irrespective of its autoimmunity. This study certainly encourages us to screen Vitamin D and supplement Vitamin D to all thyroid disorders patients.


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Author Biographies

Bidhan Shrestha, Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal

Department of Internal Medicine

Shital Adhikari, Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal

Department of Internal Medicine

Rano Mal Piryani, Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal

Deparment of Internal Medicine

Arun Sedhain, Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal

Department of Internal Medicine

Suresh Deep, Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal

Department of Internal Medicine

Sabina Sedhai, Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal

Deaprment of InternalmMedicine

Harikrishna Dhakal, Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal

Department of Internal Medicine




How to Cite

Shrestha, B., Adhikari, S., Piryani, R. M., Sedhain, A., Deep, S., Sedhai, S., & Dhakal, H. (2017). Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients attending outpatient clinic with thyroid disorders in Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 7(2), 7–10. Retrieved from



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