Quality of life of hemodialysis patients in selected teaching hospitals of Chitwan


  • Srijana Ghimire Chitwan Medical College
  • Milan Lopchan Chitwan Medical College


Hemodialysis, Physical health, Mental health, Quality of life


The quality of life (QOL) needs to be regularly assessed in hemodialysis patients. Hemodialysis patients suffer from average quality of life and survival. A descriptive research design was used, 96 respondents who had received haemodialysis treatment after completion of 1 month duration of hemodialysis in two different teaching hospital at Bharatpur, Chitwan. Data was collected by using standard tool Short Form-36 version2 through face to face structure interview schedule. The objective of study is to find out the quality of life (QOL) of haemodialysis patients. Various test such as one sample t-test, ANOVA test, independent t-test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whittney U test, Pearson’s correlation was applied. The findings showed that higher proportion of respondents were from 40-59 years (41.0%) and male (62.2%). The mean±SD was 57.45±16.25, 55.72±22.41 and 60.04±11.50 in overall QOL, physical and mental component summary respectively which was slightly above the average. All dimention and sub scale was satistically significant. Younger respondents had statistically significant with overall QOL (p<0.001) and physical component summary (p<0.001). Non diabetics had better in overall QOL (p=0.040) and physical component summary (p=0.033). Level of educational had also positive impact in overall QOL(p=0.010), physical (p=0.006) and mental component summary (p<0.001). Employment status (p=0.020) and sex (p=0.037) was also statistically significant with mental component summary. There was correlation between physical and mental component summary with overall QOL 0.970(p<0.001) and 0.698(p<0.001), and between the physical and mental component summary was 0.502(p<0.001). Below average score were seen in the general health (32.86±25.74) and vitality (41.53±13.98) sub scale. In order to improve quality of life family, physician, nurses and policy makers can use this finding.


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Author Biographies

Srijana Ghimire, Chitwan Medical College


Milan Lopchan, Chitwan Medical College





How to Cite

Ghimire, S., & Lopchan, M. (2017). Quality of life of hemodialysis patients in selected teaching hospitals of Chitwan. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 7(1), 29–34. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info/index.php/JCMC/article/view/17367



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