Contributing factors of utero-vaginal prolapse among women attending in Bharatpur Hospital


  • B Thapa Chitwan Medical College
  • G Rana Chitwan Medical College
  • S Gurung Chitwan Medical College


Contributing factors, utero-vaginal prolapse, women


Uterine prolapse is a major public health problem in rural Nepal. It is a medical and social problem, deeply rooted with poor health services and socio-cultural beliefs. The objective of this study was to find out the contributing factors of utero-vaginal prolapse among women attending in Bharatpur hospital. Descriptive study design was used. A total of 100 women diagnosed with utero-vaginal prolapse were selected by using purposive sampling technique. Data processing and analysis was done using SPSS. The study reveals that 88% of women were involved in agriculture and 82% of them were illiterate. Ninety two percent of the women got marriage before the age of 20, 42% women became pregnant 3-5 times, 96.33% of babies were born at home and 100% of them were born vaginally. Sixty six percent of the women gave birth to first child between the ages of 16-20, 92% had done heavy work during pregnancy and postnatal period and none of the women did kegal exercise. Based on the findings of the study it is concluded that the most important contributing factors found by our study were heavy work, illiteracy, early marriage and child birth, inadequate food during pregnancy and postpartum period, multi parity, home delivery, vaginal delivery, less rest period in post partum, no kegal exercise. The relationship between age of uterine prolapse and age of first child birth was 0.306 which was positive relationship between them. Which shows that there was statistically significant (P- value=0.002).



Journal of Chitwan Medical College 2014; 4(3):38-42



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Author Biographies

B Thapa, Chitwan Medical College

College of Nursing

G Rana, Chitwan Medical College

College of Nursing

S Gurung, Chitwan Medical College

College of Nursing




How to Cite

Thapa, B., Rana, G., & Gurung, S. (2015). Contributing factors of utero-vaginal prolapse among women attending in Bharatpur Hospital. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 4(3), 38–42. Retrieved from



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