Knowledge on self care among COPD patients attending at Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur


  • H K Subba Chitwan Medical College
  • R Subba Chitwan Medical College


COPD, Knowledge, Self-care


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and global health concern. COPD self care knowledge is a cornerstone for self-management of chronic illness. The objective of this study was to find out the level of knowledge on self care among COPD patients. A descriptive, cross sectional design and purposive sampling was applied in which 182 patients were interviewed by using semi-structure interviews schedule at Chitwan Medical College, Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur. Data was analyzed by using SPSS and descriptive and inferential test was applied. The study findings revealed that 36.8% of the respondents were between age group 61-70 years, 54.4% respondents were male, 59.9% were from Chitwan district, majority of the respondents (62.1%) were outpatient, 48.4% had a history of COPD more than 5 years, 83.2%were hospitalized 1-2 times in last year, 63.2% had no history of COPD in family members and all respondents got information from health personnel. Highest percentage (75) of mean score on smoking cessation and lowest (10) on weight monitoring. Most of all respondents (90.7%) had poor level of knowledge on self care of COPD. The respondents’ level of knowledge on self care is statistically significant with family history (p=0.048), educational status (p=0.000), and types of patient (p=0.017).So, there should be need of health education program for COPD patients about self care to improve knowledge.



Journal of Chitwan Medical College 2014; 4(3):34-37



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Author Biographies

H K Subba, Chitwan Medical College

College of Nursing

R Subba, Chitwan Medical College

College of Nursing




How to Cite

Subba, H. K., & Subba, R. (2015). Knowledge on self care among COPD patients attending at Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 4(3), 34–37. Retrieved from



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