Health related quality of life of diabetic patients visited in Koshi Zonal Hospital, Biratnanar


  • R K Mehta Chitwan Medical College
  • S Subedi Birat Health College and Research Centre
  • S Bohora Koshi Zonal Hospital


Quality of life, Diabetes, Short-Form 36, Physical health, Mental health.


Globally, diabetes is ranked as the 4th leading cause of death in terms of disease and places a huge strain on public health funding. Quality of life (QOL) is an important and understudied topic in the diabetes. Most studies reports that quality of life among people with diabetes is worse than QOL in general population. Thus, this study is aimed to assess health related quality of life of diabetic patients. We conducted a hospital- based non experimental prospective study. Total 50 diabetic patients were enrolled in this study by using purposive sampling technique. Short-Form 36 questionnaire was used to assess the QOL of diabetic patients. Among 50 respondents, 27 were female and 23 were male. In physical health, 56% respondents had obtained score above 50, 2% respondents had obtained score 50 and 42% respondents had obtained score below 50.Similarly, in mental health, 56% respondents had obtained score above 50 and 44% respondents had obtained score below50. This result indicates that majority of respondents (56%) had better QOL. It concludes that majority (56%) of respondents had better QOL in both physical and mental health and in physical health 2% had average QOL and 42% had poor QOL and in mental health 44% had poor QOL. So, the family, physician, nurses and policy makers can use this finding to identify and implement appropriate interventions for better management and ultimately improving QOL of diabetic patients.


Journal of Chitwan Medical College 2014; 4(3): 13-16



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Author Biographies

R K Mehta, Chitwan Medical College

College of Nursing

S Subedi, Birat Health College and Research Centre


S Bohora, Koshi Zonal Hospital

PBBN, Medical Ward




How to Cite

Mehta, R. K., Subedi, S., & Bohora, S. (2015). Health related quality of life of diabetic patients visited in Koshi Zonal Hospital, Biratnanar. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 4(3), 13–16. Retrieved from



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