Effect of Female Education and Sanitation on Infant Mortality in Nepal: Empirical Evidence from District Level Data


  • Madhav Prasad Dahal Department of Economics


Female literacy and average years of schooling, Sanitation and safe drinking water, Infant mortality decline, Nepal


Child health is a key indicator of the quality of life in all countries. The condition of child health is more vulnerable in least developed countries like Nepal. Definitely there has been a sharp decline in the infant mortality in Nepal since the 1960s.Mother’s education is one of the factors regarded crucial in improving child health. This paper has examined the effect of female education, provision of proper sanitation and absence of access to safe drinking water on infant mortality in Nepal by taking the data that represent 75 districts of Nepal.

Key words: Female literacy and average years of schooling;  Sanitation and safe drinking water; Infant mortality decline; Nepal

Economic Journal of Development Issues

Vol. 9 and 10 (2008 & 2009) Combined Issue

Page: 44-58



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Author Biography

Madhav Prasad Dahal, Department of Economics

Associate Professor of Economics, Tribhuvan University, Patan Multiple Campus, Patandhoka, Lalitpur, Nepal



How to Cite

Dahal, M. P. (2010). Effect of Female Education and Sanitation on Infant Mortality in Nepal: Empirical Evidence from District Level Data. Economic Journal of Development Issues, 9, 44–58. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info/index.php/EJDI/article/view/3290


