Ecology of Spotted Flapshell Turtle, <i>Lissemys punctata</i> (Lacepede, 1788) in Bangladesh
Spotted flapshell turtle, ecology, habitat preference, behavioral patternsAbstract
Spotted flapshell turtle, Lissemys punctata was found in all types of habitats of Bangladesh. Of the 9 categories of habitats studied, the highest number (17.42%) of the turtle species was found in marshland followed by puddles (17.26%), agriculture fields (17.12%), streams (12.1%), canals (10.54%), tanks (10.39%), derelict ponds (9.18%) and domestic ponds (6.08%). Most of the time the turtle was found in burrowing condition (55.83%), rarely it was observed in feeding (7.2%) condition. The turtle seem to have a considerably higher tolerant in all types of environment, so it may be possible to set-up turtle farm commercially in Bangladesh.
Key words: Spotted flapshell turtle, ecology, habitat preference, behavioral patterns.
doi: 10.3126/eco.v15i0.1943
ECOPRINT 15: 59-67, 2008