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Editorial Team
Executive Editor
Dr. Prakash Kumar Paudel,
Centre for Himalayan Environment,
The Nature Foundation PO Box 23002, Kathmandu, Nepal
Managing Editor
Dr. Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai,
The Nature Foundation, PO Box 23002, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr Uttam Babu Shrestha
Institute for the Agricultural and the Environment University of Southern Queensland
Prof. Dr. Thales R. O. Freitas
Departamento de Genética, Instituto de Biociências-UFRGS, Brazil
Dr. Luiz Flamarion B. de Oliveira
Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Brazil
Dr. Olga M.C.C. Ameixa
Department of Biology & CESAM University of Aveiro
Dr. Santosh Nepal
International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Frantisek Zemek
University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Dr. Fernando L. Sicuro
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ram Bahadur Bhandari
Mountain Resources Institute (MRI)
GPO Box: 13880,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tej Bahadur Thapa
Central department of zoology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Dr. Vasileios A. Bontzorlos
Hellenic Hunters Confederation, Greece
Jan Sipos
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Czech Republic
Dr Achyut Aryal
Massey University
New Zealand