Modelling growing space requirement for <i>Alnus nepalensis</i> D. Don in Nepal


  • Ram Prasad Sharma Department of Ecology and Natural Resources Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)



Alnus nepalensis, crown model, growing space model, stocking limit, basal area density


Relationship between crown diameter and stem diameter of individual trees can be translated into mathematical model, and used to generate information of growing space requirement for individual trees and crown competition index for growth models. Nine different crown diameter prediction models were developed using inventory data of Alnus nepalensis trees from a part of Parbat and Syanja districts in Nepal. Among those developed, a non-linear three parameter-based model (W = β0 {1 – exp( - β1D)}β2) explained the greatest proportion of variations of crown diameter (R2adj = 0.78), and showed desirable behaviour of flexibility and robustness. An individual tree growing space model was then derived from crown model to generate important information of shocking limits and stand basal area density for monoculture plantation or natural stands of Alnus nepalensis. Because of its flexibility, crown model is seemed potentially useful for extrapolation purpose also. However, the model cannot be applied for buttressed, wolfed and malformed trees. Key words: Alnus nepalensis; crown model; growing space model; stocking limit; basal area density Banko Janakari Vol.16(2) 2006 pp.30-36


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How to Cite

Sharma, R. P. (2008). Modelling growing space requirement for <i>Alnus nepalensis</i> D. Don in Nepal. Banko Janakari, 16(2), 30–36.


