Biochemical Evaluation, Anthropometric Measurements in Assessment of Microvascular Complications in Females with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus


  • U Munilakshmi PhD Scholar, Department of Biochemistry, V Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar
  • KN Shashidhar Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, V Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar
  • R Harish Post Graduate, Department of Biochemistry, V Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar
  • Madhavi Reddy Nutritionist, Department of Biochemistry, V Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar
  • V Lakshmaiah Professor, Department of Medicine, V Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar


Type 2 diabetes, Microvascular complications, Glycosylated hemoglobin, Diabetic retinopathy, Diabetic neuropathy, Diabetic nephropathy


Objective: To investigate the role of the biochemical parameters in the prediction of the microvascular complications in Type 2 diabetes and non-diabetes female patients.

Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted in R L Jalappa hospital attended to Sri Devearj Urs Medical College, Kolar. Randomly selected 45 female type 2 diabetes and non diabetes patients with the age group of 45-55 years attending medicine outpatient department from March 2011 to January 2012 were included in the study. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were analyzed by standard methods.

Results: Among variables studied height, obesity index and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were statistically significant between diabetes and non-diabetes. Diabetic female subjects showed higher values for insulin (16.90mcU/ml), uric acid (4.36mg/dl), urine albumin (305.71mg/dl) and albumin creatinine ratio (13.18mg/g) when compared with non-diabetic female subjects. The mean values for total cholesterol (182.09mg/dl), triglycerides (209.04mg/dl), high density lipoproteins (HDL-c) (36.44mg/dl), low density lipoproteins (LDL-c) (100.09mg/dl), Non-HDL (145.64mg/dl) and eGFR (97.03) in diabetes females and in non diabetes females 187.69mg/dl, 143.78mg/dl and 43.46mg/dl,115.20mg/dl, 144.22mg/dl, 87.03 for TC, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, non-HDL and eGFR respectively. Among parameters evaluated triglycerides and LDL-c were significant between diabetic and nondiabetic female subjects.

Conclusion: In this study we observed 26.6% of nephropathy, 13.3% of retinopathy and 6.6% of neuropathy in diabetes females. However non-diabetes female subjects showed higher significant TC and LDL-c levels. This suggests that above the age of 45 year females requires comprehensive evaluation of anthropometric and biochemical parameters to avoid micro and macro vascular complications.


Asian Journal of Medical Science, Volume-5(2) 2014: 113-119


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How to Cite

Munilakshmi, U., Shashidhar, K., Harish, R., Reddy, M., & Lakshmaiah, V. (2013). Biochemical Evaluation, Anthropometric Measurements in Assessment of Microvascular Complications in Females with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 5(2), 113–119. Retrieved from



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