Sensitization and its impact on Reproductive and sexual health issues of adolescents in clinics and schools - a comparative study.


  • Arun Kumar De Department of Paediatric Medicine and Department of Gyne & Obs, Medical College Kolkata
  • Souvik Mitra Department of Paediatric Medicine and Department of Gyne & Obs, Medical College Kolkata
  • Kollol Das Department of Paediatric Medicine and Department of Gyne & Obs, Medical College Kolkata
  • Sebanti Goswami Department of Paediatric Medicine and Department of Gyne & Obs, Medical College Kolkata
  • Sukanta Chatterjee Department of Paediatric Medicine and Department of Gyne & Obs, Medical College Kolkata


Adolescent, ARSH (adolescent reproductive and sexual health), Condom, Menstruation, Sensitization


Objective: Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Issue is an important component of Youth Friendly Health Services. The objective of this study to compare the impact of sensitization on adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues of adolescent clients between clinic and school setting using the youth-friendly principles.

Material & Methods: An urban–based prospective longitudinal study, conducted at adolescent health clinic and schools. The participants are adolescents in the age group of 14-18 years (both boys and girls). Intervention: Youth-friendly sensitization. Main outcome measures: Change in the knowledge on different ARSH issues among adolescent clients in both clinics and schools.

Results: Statistically significant improvement (p values< 0.05) in knowledge on various aspects of ARSH issues among adolescent clients in both clinic and school setting.

Conclusion: Youth-friendly sensitization makes positive change in the knowledge of adolescents on ARSH issues in both clinics and schools.

Key Words: Adolescent; ARSH (adolescent reproductive and sexual health); Condom; Menstruation; Sensitization

DOI: 10.3126/ajms.v2i1.3537

Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2 (2011) 23-27


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How to Cite

De, A. K., Mitra, S., Das, K., Goswami, S., & Chatterjee, S. (2011). Sensitization and its impact on Reproductive and sexual health issues of adolescents in clinics and schools - a comparative study. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(1), 23–27. Retrieved from



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