Deleterious Effects of Ethanol on Hematological Parameters and Fertility in Albino Rats


  • OA Osonuga Department of Pharmacology, School of Medical Sciences, University of Cape Coast
  • OI Osonuga Department of Physiology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Remo Campus, Ikenne Remo
  • AA Osonuga School of Medical Sciences, University of Cape Coast


Albino rats, ethanol, semen parameters, hematology


Objective: Hematological disorders including anaemia are prevalent in alcoholics. The study was an attempt to find out the toxic effects of ethanol on blood values and semen parameters of albino rats.
Material & Methods: 15 male albino rats with body weight (bwt) of 190 – 220 gm were used for the 2-phase study. 25% ethanol was administered via oral cannula to a group of 5 male rats each at daily dose of 0.6ml/200gm bwt respec-tively for 3 days during phase I. Phase II was a recovery study involving 5 male rats exposed to dose regimen as in phase I, and sacrificed after 3-day withdrawal of treatment. The control group of 5 male rats was given sterile water ad-libitum. Each animal was weighed before sacrifice to obtain difference in bwt relative to its basal value. Blood samples were collected by cardio-puncture from the rats for hematology and serum testosterone at the end of each phase. Semen parameters were determined and compared with controls.
Results: Ethanol caused significant reduction (P< 0.05) in the hematological profile as well as in the serum testoster-one and semen parameters of the animals. Discontinuation of the drug use however showed gradual recovery of the depressed indices of the semen, serum testosterone and blood parameters.
Conclusion: The ethanol could induce reversible changes in hematological profiles and semen parameters of rats, and by extension man. Hence, the study supported the use of alcohol with caution especially in infertile men and those prone to anemic tendencies.

Key Words: Albino rats; ethanol; semen parameters; hematology

DOI: 10.3126/ajms.v1i2.3350

Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 1 (2010) 37-40


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Author Biography

OA Osonuga, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medical Sciences, University of Cape Coast




How to Cite

Osonuga, O., Osonuga, O., & Osonuga, A. (2011). Deleterious Effects of Ethanol on Hematological Parameters and Fertility in Albino Rats. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 1(2), 37–40. Retrieved from



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