Biochemical changes in Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): A study in Nepalese Population


  • Pooja Maharjan Department of Laboratory Medicine, Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Puspa Raj Khanal Department of Laboratory Medicine, Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Narayan Prasad Parajuli Department of Laboratory Medicine, Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Govardhan Joshi Department of Laboratory Medicine, Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Hridaya Parajuli Department of Laboratory Medicine, Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Santosh Khanal Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Manmohan Memorial Community Hospital, Kathmandu
  • Bibek Bhatta Department of Clinical Microbiology, Nobel College, Kathmandu
  • Dipendra Raj Pandeya Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences, Kathmandu



Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), Lipid profile, Liver function test (LFT), Biomarker


Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has emerged as the most common liver problem in the western world and is a clinicopathologic entity increasingly recognized as a major health burden in developed countries. Different laboratory tests are extremely useful in achieving a better understanding of diseases, and thereby, allow making decision for better management. The examination of different biochemical parameters usually provides excellent clues to the cause of the disease. The present study was conducted with the aim to assess the biochemical markers in Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients in Nepalese population.

Methods: The biochemical parameters were investigated in 75 NAFLD patients, and 70 normal participants. The diagnosis of hepatic steatosis was established by abdominal ultrasound examination. All patients diagnosed as NAFLD were investigated for biochemical parameters and see the relationship between NAFLD and control was studied.

Results: The findings of all biochemical parameters were raised in NAFLD patients in comparison with non-fatty liver control group and the differences were found to be statistically (P value less than 0.005) significant.

Conclusions: NAFLD is associated with changes in biochemical parameters in cases of NAFLD. Its early detection will help in modifying the disease course, delaying complications and will also play a major role in preventive cardiology.

Ann. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 2016:2(2);15-20


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How to Cite

Maharjan, P., Khanal, P. R., Parajuli, N. P., Joshi, G., Parajuli, H., Khanal, S., … Pandeya, D. R. (2017). Biochemical changes in Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): A study in Nepalese Population. Annals of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 2(2), 15–20.



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